Who We Are

Babylon Bulldogs is a small kennel located in Langley, British Columbia owned by Geoffrey Vande Kuyt. We have a number of Bulldogs, both English (as they are recognized by most) and French Bulldogs. They all live as pets in both their home and in show homes with friends. Geoff values this breed and understands the unique challenges that come with breeding Bulldogs and Frenchies.
Prior to raising and breeding bulldogs, we raised and bred Boxers. Geoff has always been fascinated with the Bulldog breed and has a strong desire to see the breed excel in health, temperament, and confirmation. In the winter of 2014 Geoff purchased his first bulldog, Priscilla, from Topbrass Bulldogs in Hamilton, Ontario. The owners of Topbrass, Mark and Dawn Berryman, have been breeding Bulldogs for many years and Geoff had been looking for over two years for the right Bulldog from a reputable breeder. Priscilla was a surprise to us patricianly in the show ring; however, the cuteness of a Bulldog Puppy will always win skeptics over.
All our bulldogs are cared for in loving homes. We look for people that understand the breed and look for a pup that they can love for years to come. This presents us with the unique opportunity to have dogs in loving homes their entire show and breeding careers. The alternative would be to kennel and breed them, and then place kennel dogs into homes after they are retired. We have chosen to go with the show home route – we think its way better for everyone involved – particularly the pups.
Stubborn, Lazy, Loves to Sleep with alot of personality – “This breed is you in dog form” – the observation when researching the Bulldog as an breed option worth persueing!